039 > Letraset
One of the many gems in the Tony Pritchett archive: the original Letraset titles for his ground breaking film, THE FLEXIPEDE.

039 > Letraset

In 1967, Tony Pritchett used Letraset and a BBC rostrum camera to create the titles for The Flexipede. You can find out more about how he did this, in my…

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Tony's tea mug. He loved his green tea and I loved my chats with him as he drank it.


Thanks to Metal 'New Artist Network', I've been able to develop a BW green tea-based film developer, which I'm naming Pritchettol in memory of Tony Pritchett, a man who liked …

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036 > Thank You Metal
An extract from 'Computer Animation In Educational Television'. Tony Pritchett 1974

036 > Thank You Metal

Thank you Metal!I'm one of 12 lucky artists to be awarded some funding and a place on the. 'Metal New Artist Network' residency program. It's amazing to be given the chance,…

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