Track 3:
Tony created used his friend Hugh Ras Riddle’s sisters Phillips reel to reel recorder to create the foley for Flexipede, so I thought it would be fun to create some of the audio for the ebook using ¼ inch tape.
Neither Ras nor Tony could remember the model name, so I searched for any old domestic Phillips model, c. 1960s. I thought I’d find one easily but I was wrong. There’s a fair few on eBay, but I couldn’t find any in good working order.
Dr. Victoria Marshall helped me do a shout-out at a recent RAL lecture. People kindly got in touch but Covid put a stop to me borrowing equipment.
But then I found Keith’s Ebay Store. Keith sold me a 1963 Stellaphone and put me in touch with Dave who sold me the necessary lead and jack. Thank you Keith and Dave!