028 > Random Walk
Huge thanks to Jez Stewart at The BFI for scanning some Random Walk footage. There will be more images from more scans including an entire project folder-full of materials in the eBook.

028 > Random Walk

I’m immensely proud of this paper.Thank you Prof. David Duce and Prof. Bob Hopgood. Thank you also to Dr. Victoria Marshall, for engineering the collaboration. I seem to have put…

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027 > GRAM
The Flexipede aka ’Computer Caterpillar’, was the beginnings of Tony’s research into computer animation, and in this sense, GRAM could be seen as an extension of Flexipede. Perhaps this is why Tony chose to draw butterflies? We will never know. Another archive mystery.

027 > GRAM

Whilst creating graphics for the newly opened Open University, Tony began work on creating his own program (aka ‘language’) to create animated graphics.He called it ‘GRAM’, because it was a…

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020 > RAL Lecture
Above: Tony Pritchett and 'The Chilton Atlas' (console). The 'Atlas Laboratory' was situated at Harwell A.E.R.E. (which is now home to The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory). Photo by Nigel Kellaway.

020 > RAL Lecture

Professor David Duce, Dr Victoria Marshall and myself gave a lecture on how (we think!) Tony Pritchett made Britain's first piece of computer animation, The Flexipede. The talk was based…

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