003 > The Tony Pritchett Archive
A few of the 176 film cans in my garage.

003 > The Tony Pritchett Archive

The Tony Pritchett Archive is an eclectic collection of materials which document the emergence of the computer animation industry and by extension, the IT industry.

Many thanks to Celia Blois, Helen Hullock and all of Tonys family for allowing Dr. Nick Lambert (Computer Arts Society) and I to collect his work form his home.

The archive contains Tony’s work c. 1967-1982:

  • Film cans, Umatics and VHS tapes are stored in my cool, dry garage.
  • Paper/card-based materials are safely stored in my house.

PLEASE DO GET IN TOUCH if you are able to help with:

  • The digitisation of the archive.
  • The longterm storage of materials.

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